gdm questions. . .

Are there any know security problems with gdm?  Once, when I mistyped
either the username or password, I didn't wait for the timeout and
started typing again.  What happened is that my password showed up in
plain view---instead of asterisks (or whatver char is used).  Mind you,
this was when I had gdm set to show icons for available users, so there
may have been a click involved right after the invalid username or

Another question is this:  When a user logs out of GNOME, the display
seems to reset itself (there is an audible click from my monitor any
time this happens, or when I switch to a virtual console).  When I used
kdm or xdm in the past, this never happened at logout.  Is there any way
to change this?

Thanks for any help with this.

---Norvell Spearman
``Trouble is my business.''
          ---Philip Marlowe

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