Possible bug in gnome-terminal

Hi everyone.

I think I may have found a problem with gnome-terminal's VT emulation.
On various distros/systems (SuSE 6.3, gnome-terminal 1.0.55, RH 5.2,
gnome-terminal 1.0.5), I was attempting to use screen on a remote host
(Solaris 2.6, terminfo and termcap, OEM curses and newest ncurses) and
having lots of difficulties.

Problem:  No matter how I arranged things, no matter what I tried, screen
ended up misplacing the cursor, which completely screwed up the fullscreen
apps I was running (mutt, emacs, etc.).  For two days, I banged my head
against the wall, thinking it was emacs (recompiled w/ncurses just to
make sure) mutt (recompiled several times), or screen itself (tried 
everything I could think of).

As it turns out, it was gnome-terminal that may have been misinterpreting
things.  I've since switched to xterm and Eterm, and both work flawlessly
to the same remote system -- no cursor-placement glitches.

Are there known problems with the VT10x emulation in gnome-terminal?

Mark C. Langston
Systems Admin
San Jose, CA

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