glade2perl: Does it work? (And some more on glade in general)

Yet another question related to glade:

Is there anybody out there who has anyone successfully built perl code
using glade? I have experimented a bit with this now, and while the code
generated looks very promising, I can't actually get my application up
and running. The first problem I got was that couldn't be
found. This problem was quite easily solved, I simply created a symbolic
link from to in the appropriate perllib directory (I
hate having to do hacks like this, though), but I am still unable to
figure out how to access the perl modules generated. In particular, the
directives indicated in the "POD" documentation do not work.

I am using perl-Glade-Perl-0.48-6 and Gtk-Perl-0.6123-1.

The bottom line is really that I'm seeing so many problems related to
glade and the associated tools that I suspect there is something wrong
with my installation. Can someone please tell what versions of glade,
glade--, gtk--, Gtk-Perl etc. I should use, and where I can find them?
Toralf Lund <>   +47 66 85 51 22
Kongsberg Scanners AS               +47 66 85 51 00 (switchboard)     +47 66 85 51 01 (fax)

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