R: Which editor for C/C++ programming, and more...

    thanks to everyone for the quick and complete answer... :-)) I don't
want to start an 'editor flame war' too, you can bet!! I tried what you
adviced me, and I think that they're all good editors... I have settled on
gvim, anyway, but it's just a personal opinion... I've found also a Gnome
app. called CodeCommander, that is really a good program, and I'd choose
that one... but, alas, it uses an ugly font, too little and with a variable
width, that makes a mess of the code... and I couldn't find any way to
change it. :( Did someone know how to do?
    For the 'strip' question, thanks, Sri... :) Now I know a bit more... and
yes, it's funny... I choose Linux also for this 'treasure-hunt' aspect...
    Thank you again,
        Mano :-)

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