Re: Request: Test suite for EFS.

On Sun, Feb 20, 2000 at 02:24:04AM +0000, wrote:
> > Why _must_ it be one file?
> See below.
> > 
> > If you choose to store it in a directory rather than a file then you don't
> > have to do this. 
> A normal user makes a gnumeric spreadsheet with some images in it.
> He expects there to be 1 file, after all, you have really created one document.
> One document, one file. 
> And again, if it's a directory, how do you move the "file" from one place to
> another? Making a tarball isn't exactly the most user friendly way to do it.

  at the file manager level ? You drag and drop it to the destination, why ?
and where is the problem. All Windows users do that ... everyday.
Or using the clipboard...
  You don't do a tar, the system does it for you.

   tar cf - .... | (cd  ... ; tar xvf -) 

 is really the Unix way to do thing, and it's filenamager equivalent is
drag and drop or a cut-and-paste. If the target is an FTP client or Web
client it's the same.


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