Re: GDM help?

On Thu, 17 Feb 2000, Gaspar, Al wrote:

> I am still having trouble with gdm resetting my system time when I log in.
> The system time will have been correctly set by ntpdate from cron (the
> message log shows it running every two hours just fine), but, on my first
> logon to the system in the morning, the date changes to 4.5 hours earlier.
> I tried explicitly running ntpdate and then logging off and logging back in
> again, and I can't recreate the problem.  (The date resets correctly, but I
> have no problem with it changing when I log off and log back in).  Does
> anyone have any ideas as to what is going on?  Can anyone point me at some
> documentation that might help?  Am I posting to the right list?  This is
> really annoying...

Hmm.  I think I might be seeing this too - my system time sets itself 15
later everytime it boots, and now that you mention it, it is only since I
start using gdm...

Sorry, I can't offer any help.  I might go take a look through the



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