Re: Nautilus, Eazel, Gnome and Andy Herzfeld

Until yesterday, Eazel did not even had a home page worth of name.
They've wanted things to be low key: if they want this to change,
I'm sure they'll let us know.

In any case, I never thought I'd see the day when Andy would be working 
on top of the X Window System.  From my point of view, this is greatly 
gratifying: X has from its inception tried to be a system to enable good 
GUI's to be built (rather than itself being a GUI: this distinguishes it
from most other window systems).  

It has always been frustrating to me that such lame ones resulted (until 
the better ones like gnome and kde).  I'm sure Andy et. al. will be great 
help to Gnome to become best in the world.

				- Jim Gettys

Jim Gettys
Technology and Corporate Development
Compaq Computer Corporation

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