Donations to gnome

A couple of months ago LinuxPorts.Com was approached by a printer to help
them market Linux and other OpenSource Technology books. One of these
first books that we considered was a KDE series.

As we continued more and more people requested Gnome books, as we have now
released our first two books:

Developing Linux Applications: KDE Edition
Administrating Linux: The Basics

We would like to consider the Gnome documentation. The first book we would
like to publish is:

Developing Linux Applications: Gnome Edition

This book would include all developer information from the GDP and a CD
containing software, and possible GLADE.

The largest question would be, would anyone be interested in this book?

I believe that the very unique thing about this project is the support we
are giving back to the community, money to be exact. Please see for more information.
For general information please visit .
Joshua D. Drake                   

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