Re: Desktop background

Derek Simkowiak wrote:
> > avoid. Wmakerconf is the configuration utility belonging to the
> > WindowMaker (alias wmaker) window manager. Gnome seems indeed to leave
> > this config option up to the wm, which can or can't do this special
> > task.
>         If "this config option" means the background, then no, Gnome does
> not leave it to the window manager.  Gnome tries to control the background
> itself.
>         This leads to the weird situation where you have two
> backgrounds--one from the window manager, and one from Gnome.
>         On my Mandrake 6.1 system, Enlightenment will first start up with
> its background (the default, white "Mandrake"-logo background) and then,
> after one or two seconds, Gnome draws its background (the background I
> configured using the GNOME Config Tool).
>         If I go into the Enlightenment configuration tool and start
> fscking with the background, all hell breaks loose.  Things get even worse
> if I try to use a window manager other than E.
>         Just another headache caused by the inexplicable desire to support
> every window manager...

As I recall, the heart of the question was whether or not the GNOME
background capplet had a way of controlling per workspace background
images. The problem with GNOME controlling this as I understand it is
that it is the wm that does the background switching as the workspaces
are switched. I do admit ignorance wrt the GNOME wm protocol, but I
would not be suprised if workspace/background information was not part
of the spec. Someone else know more about this want to add to this?

I had actually asked about enhancing the background capplet to support
multiple workspace background selections some time ago, don't remember
any responses. I agree that it would be a great idea in the interests of
simplifying usability if it could do this.

As for the headache of both E and GNOME having backgrounds enabled, it
is my opinion that it is as much a distribution flaw as anything, one or
the other should have been defaulted to off by the distribution
packagers such as Mandrake or RedHat. I have Mandrake 7.0 installed now,
but can't say if E was configured to use it's background config or not
as I don't use E, like many others I have migrated to Sawmill which does
not afaik do backgrounds.


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