Re: Gnome 1.1.2: One bonehead's report

what did you do to fix it?
i would rather not spend the better part of a day finding out the same
workaround that you did!

On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Paul Johnson wrote:

> I have gnome 1.1.2 running and from a user's perspective it is quite
> beautiful.  I didn't get the full effect of it until I moved my ~/.gnome
> and saw the default config emerge and I was delighted with the
> configurability of it all.
> I did have one somewhat serious problem, don't know if it is worth
> reporting as a bug. THe default session opens a mailbox checking
> software.  When that software runs, it drives my IMAP server insane.  As
> long as that program is running, pine can't open my mail account because
> it thinks another pine is using my account. It took me the better part
> of a day to learn enough to track the problem down.
> Perhaps it would be better not to have the mailbox software run
> automatically, since many new users are likely to be stung in the same
> way.


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