Re: Host Name Problem

esoteric denali atlnet com (2000-12-30 at 2046.11 -0500):
> > you need to add the name you are using for your ISP into /etc/host then,
> > for example my ISP is, my user name is Dmcglone, therefore I
> > add Dmcglone ameritech net to the /etc/host file, replacing the
> > "localhost.localdomain. You may have to do the same thing to the file
> > /etc/HOSTNAME. That should
> > do the trick, but I am using Red Hat, so the distro's may varay slightly.
> This is a new one to me.  I've never heard of adding a user id to the
> /etc/hosts file.  Anyone else?  I'd be glad to learn something here.

First time I heard it too. And I do not have /etc/host, I have hosts,
host.conf, host.allow and host.deny, but not just host.


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