Re: does Gnome-terminal have problems ?

Alan my hero wrote :
> Did you try running a gnome-terminal with 
> TERM=vt100 screen
> ?
> Also, try
> echo $TERM
> in both gnome-terminal and xterm.  I'd wager they're not the same.

This works great. Thanks a lot.. This solve the problem. I didn't
think $TERM have connection with scrollbar.. =-\

> Have you looked at the link I posted?  You could set up X to be able
> to make accents in any program, including gnome-terminal, and better,
> do it the same way instead of remembering what setting the high bit on
> a random character happens to give you.

I will.. later. I've got to do something else tonight. But thanx for
your help. 


	 Dams Nadé
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