Re: does Gnome-terminal have problems ?

J.Carter wrote : 
> On Wed, Dec 20, 2000 at 11:28:12PM +0100, anvil amin unice fr wrote:
> > I actually uses ircii as my favorite irc client and i use it with the
> > screen command and I discovered that the scrollbar of gnome-terminal
> > does not take care of screen scrolling history.. Xterm does take care
> > of it, and i was told that an older version (a 1.0.x) of
> > gnome-terminal did it too..
> Not under screen it won't.  Screen manages its own scrollback and doesn't
> tell the application that anything's scrolled.

"Everybody else is doing it.. so why can't we ?" :)

> Assuming ircII has a similar set to the one found in epic, you might try
> messing with the value of /set HIGH_BIT_ESCAPE, I personally need it set to
> 0 under wterm, but I haven't messed with it since I migrated to
> gnome-terminal so you may need a setting of 1 or perhaps a different setting
> in ircII all together than what epic uses.

In ircii there's a EIGHT_BIT_CHARACTERS (set to on) and a TRANSLATION
(latin1) variable but the problem ain't ircii.. and I _cant_ do meta-i
to get é in gnome-terminal. (with or without ircii).


	 Dams Nadé
DEA Informatique : anvil amin unice fr
Association AMIN :
Irc Operator     : Anvil on IrcNet.Eurecom.Fr

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