Re: favorites

On Sun, 24 Dec 2000 20:06:54 Louis Garcia wrote:
>Is their a way of importing my netscape bookmarks to gnome's panel foot
>menu favorites??? 

It is possible to script something like this, but it would not be as easy to
manage as in Netscape. You might want to add a few bookmarks manually using
the Menu Editor on the Settings menu. A URL might look like this:

[Desktop Entry]
Comment=News for Nerds
Comment[en_US.ISO8859-1]=News for Nerds
Exec=gnome-moz-remote --newwin --raise 

>Also, On my RH system, /usr/share/gnome/apps is the
>programs menu directory for every user. Is their a corresponding
>directory where the favorites menu is???

Not exactly. The "Favorites" menu item is not actually a folder. It just
separates the system menus from the user's menus. You must create folders to
actually hold menu items or they will be listed under Favorites on the main

~/.gnome/apps contains the .desktop files that you create under Favorites.

Anthony E. Greene <agreene pobox com> <>
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