
Hello everybody,...

I am running a GNOME 1.2 system on top of a JBLinux distribution, and most of the time when running any G[T|D]K-based programs from terminal, I get an error like

Gdk-WARNING **: locale not supported by C library

...which basically is not a problem with my GNOME, but has other persons here on the same machine using XFCE which pops up with an error msg window showing right this message... So I want to get rid of this, any comments? :)) Basically, it already would be fine if anybody could give me an explanation on *what* exactly is happening there, how do I have to understand this error? :))

Thanks in advance for your hints, have a nice evening. :)
Kind regards,

"There must be in everything a certain spirit, a
 view which like a soul directs the whole..."

 Kristian Rink
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