Gnome-terminal & screen

I got some questions.. =]

1/ I often use screen (aka the "screen manager that supports multiple
logins on one terminal") and i realized that the scrollbar of the
gnome-terminal doesn't take care of the history from screen.. but
Xterm does it.. Can someone do something ? =]

2/ I used to be afterstep user (now : sawfish), and i like
going to the window when i click on its name on the winlist..
So I would like know when i'll be able to configure the TaskList
behaviour ? 

3/ With the Lisp Sawfish API, is there a way to give the focus to the
window which is under the mouse pointer if it dont have yet ?

I use gnome-core-1.2.1-33, sawfish-0.33.1-1 (rpms) on a rh7.0 box.



	 Dams Nadé
DEA Informatique : anvil amin unice fr
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Irc Operator     : Anvil on IrcNet.Eurecom.Fr

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