Re: [gnome-core-1.0.39-10] Daily Crashes

John Bacalle wrote:
> Hi,
> I've been lurking for a few days and I'm not certain that I'm in the
> right place. Is this list for GNOME user problems, general discussion?

Yup - you found the place.
> Anyhow, I'm running RHL 6.1 and GNOME crashes daily, is this normal? Is
> it my install? My install isn't one of my fondest, RHL defaults to
> eating all of my 32MB RAM when it boots, save ~800KB, and consequently
> my system caches a lot and is slow. =( But, that's not here nor there.

gnome-core-1.0.39-10 is a VERY old version - the current version is
1.2.1-0_helix_4. Gnome has made a lot of very substantial advances since
1.0.39, not the least of which is a huge increase in stability.

If you want to test out the current state of the art, visit and check out the instructions for downloading
the latest RPMS's. 

> Would quality Debian offer a more stable GNOME?

Serious potential for flamebait here; some would say yes, some no.
Either way, I doubt the difference would be earth shattering. However,
RH6.1 is almost a year old now, so it has an old, relatively unstable
version of gnome; RH7.0 is currently in beta, and should be shipping
soon(ish) with a fairly recent snapshot of Gnome. However, you can run
the latest gnome stuff on an old RH box; see Helixcode's website for

Debian has just recently made a stable release (potato/v2.2); I can't
comment on the version of gnome it provides, or the quality of the
release as a whole, as I haven't used it. 

Russ %-)

Russell Keith-Magee
PhD Research Student
School of Computing, Curtin University of Technology
email: OR
Ph: +61 8 9266 2129    FAX +61 8 9266 2819
Deprive a mirror of its silver and even the Czar won't see his face.

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