Re: XScreenSaver daemon

%% Subba Rao <> writes:

  sr> When I start GNOME control center and try to configure a screen
  sr> saver, I am getting the following message,

  sr> "The XScreenSaver daemon doesn't seem to be running on display
  sr> "0:0". Launch it now?"

Are you sure it says "0:0"?  'Cause that's not a legal display value
(except if you have a host named "0", which I don't think is a legal
hostname :)

  sr> This is happening while I am logged in as user root. I do not get
  sr> this message while I am logged in as any other user. The window
  sr> manager I am using is FVWM2.  The xlock screensaver is working
  sr> fine. I would like the GNOME screensaver to work as well.

  sr> How can I get this GNOME screen saver to work?

Make sure your $DISPLAY variable is set to "0.0" (note ".") not "0:0".

 Paul D. Smith <>         Network Management Development
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
   These are my opinions---Nortel Networks takes no responsibility for them.

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