Re: gfloppy: Could not determine current format type (2000-08-04 at 1427.40 +0200):
> > "Don't do that"
> > Having content that's only in the subject makes things difficult with a
> > number of mailers.

I use mutt and read all mail in batchs, scanning the content (and
reading those that seem interesting), not the headers (cos sometimes
the headers are wrong, specially when topic changes, but subject does

> Personally, I think things are a lot more difficult when people are using
> subjects like "Desktop problem", "Can someone help me?", "Newbie questions" and
> so on and so forth, so I have to open _every_ message to find out what their
> really about.

Adding the problem in the body helps a lot too. I read your mail and
saw a question and a program message, but nothing saying that the msg
was the version and the problem was in the subject.

You mailed this:

Why do I get this error message? Surely, this information is not needed
to format a floppy from scratch (I'm _not_ using "Quick format").
[indonesia:~] (0)% rpm -qf /usr/bin/gfloppy

For me "this" means the "text near", not the subject. You could add
"the error showed in the subject" or just a copy of the subject.


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