Re: gnome-print and GnomeCanvas

> While I;ve not read the print docs, if its true then its a shame that
> the canvas does not do this. One of the best things about the Risc OS
> system was that to make any application print you required about 10
> lines of code. It used the exact code you would use in redrawing
> a windows content as it would to print, so you don't have to 
> duplicate drawing code for printing...

Although the idea in principle is nice.  In the practice it might not
be the case.

For example, I could say "In DOS I could always print what I saw on
the screen, they had this PrtScr button that dumped the exact contents 
of what I was looking at".

We have to distinguish from a "good enough job" from a good job.

That being said, do not worry, I am working with Federico to make
GnomePrint be able to dump the contents of your Canvas using
GnomePrint (so you are not only limited to Postscript anyways).

But this is not as simple as it seems.  First of all, the Canvas
currenly uses X fonts to display text.  These fonts are not available
but in low-quality/piss-poor bitmap format.  We are working towards a
high-quality printing system (you can see our working code base in the 
gnome-print package).

So there is a lot of work left to be done.  If you want to join the
hack fest, let us know.

best wishes,

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