Re: Problem with the control-center

> Ok. I got SuSE on my system and it really seems that the files should
> have ended up in /opt but in fact ended up in /usr/share.
> What I don't understand: I downloaded the tarballs, configured, built
> and installed them. Now, when I do a make install, how does the stuff
> know where to put itself? In fact, when I do a make install on the GNOME
> control-center, how is it possible that the files do not end up at the
> location where the control-center looks for them when I start it? I
> thought, since I downloaded the tarballs and no pre-compiled packages,
> that the actual installation process should be independant from which
> Linux-distribution I use.

You have to tell configure where to install the Gnome programs and libs.
SuSE installs its Gnome package in /opt/gnome, so if you want to build your own
Gnome programs you should put them in the same location, like this:

./configure --prefix=/opt/gnome

Then make and (as root) make install

This works for me, so it should work for you too, right?


Herman Roozenbeek, The Hague (NL)
Date: 17-Oct-99, 00:33:28

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