SV: Groupware program - a server to ?

> - Shared adresslists - This is probobly the most important
> - Shared calendars   - They want to be able to know what person b and
> a are
> - Shared contacts          - They want have a contact database with all
> sorts of different contactinfo
> - Shared folders           - Like the Microsoft Exchange folders, to store
> documents etc

I ABSOLUTELY second this.
Hmm, meant that demand for the above is VERY high...

Demand for these is VERY high in small/medium
One additional thing : 

+ Shared job / Todo lists with job delegation

Yes, forgot that one. So a nice groupware system should contain all the
above - or are there anything that still are missing ?

> Their biggest demand is mostly about beeing able to SHARE the information
> the groupware system.

We are currently using IMAP for this over here ... :P
Yep, thats one way - ive just got some stupid idea in my head that LDAP is
suited for this also (at leaast when you want to store files etc) - am i
wrong ?


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