Gnome Menu Key-binding

I have one of those microsoft keyboard monstrosities for which I'd like to
put the windows key to use bringing up the gnome menu.  I use WindowMaker,
but I think this is outside of the domain of the windowmanager, at
least from looking at the possible actions for keybindings in the
windowmaker setup utility it is.   Is there a way of doing this?   Can
this be done outside of the windowmanager at like the xmodmap, or some
other level?  

I'd really appreciate any assistance.  Thanks.    

Brian E. Seppanen 	     	/|   lake superior       / \     _         
Ishpeming, Michigan	     <    ^X--~ ~\       
"North of Nowhere"	      ~-+   ;-:.  }     
	                         \/~    ~'

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