Re: Help getting gnome up on Caldera...

On Thu, 18 Nov 1999, Todd Chapman wrote:

> Hi,
> 1. group utmp does not exist, using root
> 2. gnome-print cannot be installed.  Execution of script failed.

Don't know why this works but try doing 
rpm -e gnome-print
rpm -Uvh gnome-print*.rpm

I think some thing that the post install script is looking for isn't there
until a later rpm is installed. Well this worked for me on RH 6 - I
haven't had a chance yet to try on Caldera.

> 3. /sbin/pidof No such file or directory
> When I run 'exec gnome-session' from the command line, I get 2 errors
> (twice):
> 1. Gdk - WARNING **: locale not supported by C library
> 2. Gtk - WARNING **: cannot open display

You need to be running X for gnome-session to work (that's #2, don't know
if #1 is important or related). You should have gnome-session as the last
(and probably only) thing in your .xinitrc file. Think of .xinitrc is as a
list of things that X starts up once it's got started itself. 
gnome-session takes care of starting window manager, file manager, panel,
etc so you don't really need anything else in the .xinitrc. 


> Then it spits out a line of session manager info and repeats the 2
> errors above.
> I've searched through the docs and several months of gnome-list archives
> to no avail. Any suggestions?
> Todd
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 Paul Cooper           |  
 Phd Research Student  | 01203 523523 ext. 26325
 Room 129              |                         
 Mathematics Institute |                          
 University of Warwick |                          
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