Re: Testing wanted for Gnome R

On Tue, Nov 16, 1999 at 08:59:33AM +0100, Rodolfo Canet-Castello wrote:
> Hi everyone
> I dowloaded the R rpms to check it out, and I believe it's a potential 
> killer app. I couldn't start the gnome GUI, though. I suppose I 
> should get the sources and compile it with gnome support, am I 
> right?
> If properly designed to be used for technical, but not doctor-in-
> statistics, people (a la SPSS, Ministat or Stagraphics, for 
> example), a gnomified R would entice many people in technical 
> departments to get linux and gnome running on them.
> A very, very interesting project indee. I'll keep checking the 
> progress. Cheers.

You probably do need to compile from the sources yourself.  The RPM builds
for R don't have the Gnome GUI, as Gnome isn't common enough among 
existing R users.  I might suggest that we get RPMs with the Gnome interface
compiled in as well.

I want to add a wizard type interface at some stage.  The main thing is that
we want to make sure that all the functionality of R is still available
through the R language (that is, we won't add stuff to the R GUI that isn't
accessible by writing R code).  I hope to get an initial version of the 
"extra friendly" interface stuff going before the end of the year.  I have
to finish a few other things first, though (antialiased graphics driver,
and probably switching over to zvt).

Something else people might be interested in is that the R "engine" will
be available as a CORBA interface in the (hopefully near) future.

Lyndon Drake                       | Desktop:
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