Re: Testing wanted for Gnome R

Hi everyone

I dowloaded the R rpms to check it out, and I believe it's a potential
killer app. I couldn't start the gnome GUI, though. I suppose I
should get the sources and compile it with gnome support, am I

If properly designed to be used for technical, but not doctor-in-
statistics, people (a la SPSS, Ministat or Stagraphics, for
example), a gnomified R would entice many people in technical
departments to get linux and gnome running on them.

A very, very interesting project indee. I'll keep checking the
progress. Cheers.

Dr. Rodolfo Canet-Castello
Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Agrarias (IVIA)
Dpto. Recursos Naturales
Aptdo. oficial. 46113-Moncada (Valencia). ESPAŅA-SPAIN.
Phone: 34-96-1391000      Fax: 34-96-1390240
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