PLEASE FILE BUGS Re: GNOME UI Summary [* - Nov 11, 1999]


A good point. Please, for this sort of thing; someone MUST file it as a
bug on The reason is that we have literally thousands of
TODO items for GNOME 2.0. If your item is not in the bug tracker, the
probability that we will forget is fairly high. 

There are tons of gnome-list discussions that just get forgotten...

This particular behavior is a GTK+ thing, so the bug should be against the
gtk package.


On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, George Farris wrote:

> I've been teaching some Linux courses at the College and I go out 
> of my way to teach GNOME.  One thing that all and I mean all the 
> new users say (besides it's awesome) is that menu drives them crazy. 
>  If the mouse goes outside the submenu on the panel the menu 
> disappears or changes.  They all want to click on the submenu item 
> and not have the mouse affect the menu.  I'm not sure I'm 
> explaining this well but...
> -- 
> ======================================================================
> George Farris - VE7FRG                Internet  :
> Computing Services, Cowichan Campus,
> Malaspina University-College
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