Re: gnome-pager in gnome-applets CVS...

On Thu, 4 Nov 1999, Maher Awamy wrote:

> Havoc,  gnome-pager to me is more stable than the tasklist .. Tasklist applet
> crashes everyday.. actually everytime I check my email .. here is how to crash

Duh, it's in the unstable branch! ;-) After some controversy snapshots of
deskguide/tasklist may have gone in October GNOME, but only because the
relatively stable pager was available as well.

The point is that tasklist is maintainable code we can hope to debug.
Tasklist also has someone who's volunteered to maintain it (Anders). It is
on track to be stable by the next GNOME version.

gnome-pager is not; no one is working on it, and everyone that's tried has
given up and complained a lot about the code. 

If there are features people like in gnome-pager, by all means let's put
them in the tasklist and desk guide. Please be specific and send bug
reports, as you have...

Also, this is free software; anyone who _really_ wants the pager is free
to write the code or put an offer on or asking someone else to do so. :-)


(as an aside, it's always a mistake to think that the number of
user-visible bugs/features in a piece of software today predicts the
number of bugs/features after a few months work; the correlation is
surprisingly low. You can write 90% of many applications before they even
have a user interface! Many people made this mistake with Mozilla; compare
M9 and M10; I suspect M9 and M11, only a couple months apart, will make
the point even more dramatically. Or even M9 and the final release... the
drama can go in the other direction as well, if lots of code is added and
little effort is spent on stabilization/freeze, or because a hunk of code
was one big bad hack and fixing its bugs involves a slow starting-over
process (Mozilla's initial code release went through this! it looked
fairly close to completion, but then they had to start over to fix it...))

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