Re: File manager tree.

As to the shreader idea:
Just have an icon next to the trashcan that is a shreader. If you drag
something over it, it nukes it. Maby even zero's it. It would be a
complament to the trashcan.

On Sun, 30 May 1999, Kuba Winnicki wrote:

> wrote:
> > A trashcan is nice to some people but an anoyance to others. Could you
> > make an option to disable/remove the trashcan? I find it anoying to have
> > to delete something more than once. :)
> For me only annoying thing is if I have to confirm to put something to
> trashcan. This is default for MS Windows Explorer, with option to
> disable it though.
> > Also, has there been any more thaught on the "shreader" idea?
> How does it work? I have never used OS/2.
> -- 
> Kuba Winnicki - BlackWine -

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