Various Problems


Please help with various problems:

Here's my machine:
Slackware 3.6, libc5.4.46, gnome compiled with gettext
Here are my gnome packages:
gnome-admin-1.0.2.tar.gz          gnome-network-1.0.1.tar.gz
gnome-audio-1.0.0.tar.gz          gnome-network-SNAP-990515.tar.gz
gnome-core-1.0.5.tar.gz           gnome-objc-1.0.2.tar.gz
gnome-games-1.0.2.tar.gz          gnome-pim-1.0.7.tar.gz
gnome-guile-SNAP-990514.tar.gz    gnome-print-0.1.1.tar.gz
gnome-libs-1.0.9.tar.gz           gnome-python-1.0.2.tar.gz
gnome-linuxconf-0.22.tar.gz       gnome-utils-1.0.1.tar.gz

Here's the various prolems:

1) I have 1 panel on left, autohide, one on bottom, autohide.  When I ctrl-alt-F* to another vterm, then return to gnome, bottom panel jumps to left side.  I must relocate it at bottom (rt-click,bottom,ok).  How to make it stop?

2) When transfer file from CD to directory with MC windows, I chose transfer in background.  A grey, blank square about 100x100 pixels appeared centered under my cursor.  The square kept generating.  Label was background error or something like that.  After what seemed like thousands of squares generated, I ctrl-alt-backspace and Kernel froze hard.  Had to reboot/fsck.  Any idea why?

3) If I add new launcher, sometimes, I think when I don't specify a name for the launcher, just a command, panel refuses to add anymore launchers.  Must I specify a name?  If so, why?

4) I have two drivemount icons on left panel, one FD, on CD.  I have a normal "clock" with date at very bottom of left panel, and the two drivemounts positioned directly above the clock.  When I logout, restart gnome-session, the drivemounts appear about an inch above the clock.  Why?  How to make them stay right above clock?

5) If I press fd drivemount, and I don't wait long enough before opening mc window with /floppy, the drivemounts both disappear (crash?) and I'm wondering where they went.  Logout/restart doesn't bring them back, I have to re-add them.

6) I have standard ATAPI IDE CD-ROM, why doesn't the "eject" work from the drivemount icon?

7) How to make a linked directory on the desktop open in that directory, not in /home/torsten/.gnome-desktop/[linked directory]  but rather just in /[linked directory]  ?

8) How to change font size on mc?

9) How come screensave still comes up even though I set to "no screensaver" and deleted screensaver_capplet?

10) How to make desktop icons single-click?

11) When I use metal theme, the lower panel is no longer 3D.  It is flat grey color, and pager/clock appear with black outlines, but no 3D effect?  Works ok in default?  Anyone else see this and fix it?

12) gtk-engines package will not build but all other shared libs built, how come it doesn't build  Says something about libtool cannot resolve internal dependencies?

13) I run xtail.  When I put in "startup programs" in control panel, I select "settings" for xtail, it sometimes comes up next time, sometimes not.  When and how to make it startup automatically all the time?

14) Whenever I choose an icon from choose icon window, and I resize the icon choice window before the icons are finished loading (I usually maximize the window), when the icons are finished loading, the window resizes back to its original size!  Why?  How to make it stay the size I choose?

15) How to make left click not only restore minimized application from taskbar, but also minimize restored application to taskbar?  I know middle-button does this already, but would like left to also.

16) Sometimes when I click on foot-menu, then try to click off it, I click on desktop, but menu doesn't want to go away. I have to click on panel.  How to make menu go away whenever I click on desktop?

17) When I want to drag-n-drop add new launcher to panel, and panel is autohide, panel refuses to come out when I move mouse to edge of screen.  I have to "rtclick/thispanelprop/noautohide/drag-n-drop/rtclick/tispanelprop/autohide" to get things where I want them.  How to make panel come out even when left-mouseclick is pressed?

18) How to change options on root menu?

19) How to make navigate panel from mc window stay on left side when I put it there?  I prefer navigation on left side.

20) How to customize icons in mc window?  I want specific directories to have specific icons (like nsmail have mail icon)?

21) When I highlight the location: in mc window and press backspace to erase highlighted portion (like normal), the cursor moves to left side of highlight and erases one character.  Why?  How to fix?

22) When I choose "snap icons to grid" in mc window edit/preferences, I get some very funny grid placement.  Icons are not aligned, they are offset from one another, etc.  How to make icons snap to grid properly?

23)  When I choose "arrange icons" from root menu, they all align along left edge.  How do I make icons simply snap to my grid automatically?  Doesn't "arrange icons" really mean "snap to the grid, even if grid is not turned on right not"?  How to fix?

24) When I have to restore gnome (by rm -r ~/.gnome) and I first start wm icewm, then go to add pager, I get, "Not a gnome-compliant window manager".  Bullshit.  After I restart gnome-session, pager works.  Why get the error message?

25) When I exit gnome-session, many times esd, orbit, and other services are not stopped.  Why?  How to make gnome consistently shut down its own services?

26) Does anyone know the location of a collection of icons that can be used with gnome?  I would like one huge tar.gz package that has a lot of pixmaps with transparency?  Also mini-icons for menu?

27) Sometimes when I push mouse to left side of screen after just doing some clicking or something, gnome does not register the mouse location and pop the panel out.  How to make the panel more reliable and consistently pop panel out always?

28) Are all of these problems known?  Actively being worked on?

That's all for now.  Much thanks for any help you may be able to provide.

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