RE: Feature suggestions for GNOME-compliant WMs

> --- "Fox, Kevin M" <> wrote:
> > If you wanted to do this, why not have the logout
> > menu entry be a real
> > entry... something like:
> > 
> > [Desktop Entry]
> > Name=Logout
> > Comment=Go bye bye
> > TryExec=save-session --kill
> > Exec=save-session --kill
> > Icon=logout.png
> > Terminal=0
> > Type=Application
> > 
> > Then a user can change it to whatever they want...
--James Ramsey wrote:
> I'm guessing (wrongly?) that's for an entry for
> either the GNOME menu
> or for a Desktop icon. I'm talking about having a
> GNOME-compliant WM's
> root menu work more smoothly with GNOME.

--- "Fox, Kevin M" <> wrote:
> Yes. To integrate smoothly, a wm will probably
> implament the gnome menus
> within its own. This menu entry will be one of
> them... Then they dont have
> to do any extra coding.

That assumes that the root menu contains a submenu that's a GNOME menu.
AFAIK, E is the only GNOME-compliant WM that does this. Also, is a user
more likely to look for a "Logout" entry in a submenu or in the root
menu entry smack in front of them that says "Exit" or "Logout"? Also,
putting a "save-session --kill" entry into the GNOME menu would look
awfully strange if the user were to access the GNOME menu from the
panel; "Logout" doesn't seem to belong in an "Applications" menu. This
is still basically a workaround, and IMHO, a worse workaround than
putting "save-session --kill" in the main root menu.


----I am a fool for Christ. Mostly I am a fool.----

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