Re: your mail

> > Except that it's a beast to write.
> Well, I disagree I think Tex is much more of a beast. 

Depending on what you are writing, more or less. But of all formats
I've seen so far, pod wins.

> > I'm lazily thinking of some Perl tools that would allow you to interconvert
> > SGML <-> pod while saving the markup information, so that editing would
> > be easier.
> I don't mean this as a flame, but if people spent as much time working
> on parsers and other free sgml tools as they do conversion tools it
> could be better than the commercial sgml offerings - and easier than
> any other mark-ups.

Wait, what do you mean? I was criticizing the format (i.e. <para> etc),
not the tools. And not suggesting a conversion tool but actually a different
kind of SGML editor, i.e. one that 1. takes SGML and converts it into 
easily editable ASCII format, 2. takes that ASCII edited and converts it
back into SGML, *not destroying the original formatting*.

So does this not qualify under a free sgml tool?


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