Re: gnome start up

Jack Wallen wrote:
> hello all,
> i just joined this list and have a small problem that i'm sure has been
> documented (only i can't seem to locate that documentation).  i'm
> running red hat 6.0 and use afterstep as my window manager.  all was
> fine for a while....then all of a sudden the gnome start up started
> taking forever.  the results of this is a core file in my home directory
> and the inability to log out using the gnome panel.
> i've run 'file core' to find out that it's gen_applet_util (i think
> that's correct).  i delete the core file and when i reboot the same
> thing happens.
> now if i simply log out there's no problem when i log back's
> only when a reboot has occured.
> is there a fix for this?
> i certainly appreciate any help.
> thank you

Your mileage may vary, but I found that the following fixed
my problem:

1. Exit gnome, and go to a virtual console
2. Delete .gnome/session in your root directory
3. Delete everything gnome related in /tmp and /var/tmp
   (I just deleted everything owned by my userid)
4. Reboot, and get back into gnome

Good luck


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