Re: Choice of languages

On 19 May 1999, Marius Vollmer wrote:

> James Green <> writes:
> > Why choose C, and not C++?
> If you could understand the answer, you would not ask the question.

<dons flameproofs>
That reply is the sort that could get a human brain into recursion of the
sort most don't stand a chance on.

Hardly the most helpful, was it? Having been stunned by the thread that
has evolved from my initial post, I have now got an explanation that
satisfies me, and no doubt once I begin programming with GTK I shall delve
deeper into the reasoning and logic behind it all. I don't profess to be a
brilliant coder - I'm not; but that doesn't mean that people can't learn.
</dons flameproofs>

James Green
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