gmc slow on solaris 2.6

I have noticed the following wierdness of gmc on Solaris 2.6
that I do not see on my home box running linux.

When I double click on an icon on the right pane, gmc takes several
seconds (>10) to update and redraw the screen.  If I just use the tree
on the left hand side, and click on the '+', then everything seems quick
and there is no delay.

Anyone else seeing this?

Also, there was a thread awhile back about special dirs (/afs,/net,/:)
to name a few.  If our users home directories are all mounted at /home
(including mine), should I include /home as one of the special
directories?  Should I just add a [Special dirs] section to my ~/.mc/ini
file to add it?


Glenn R. Kronschnabl (but an Aggie at heart!)
Applied Research Laboratories, University of Texas at Austin
E-mail: (MIME/PGP Welcomed here!)

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