Problem changing window managers.

I just upgraded my RH5.2 system to RH6.0. I'm running the RH6.0 gnome
installation and am quite happy with it except for a couple of oddities.

I want to use WindowMaker as my window manager since Enlightenment makes
my wee P75 fairly lethargic. So I go to the window manager portion of
the control panel and see the following three selections:


I'm not sure how these three entries appeared. All three window managers
are installed in my system, but I didn't add them to the list of
available window managers myself. I'm assuming they were some how found
during the installation process.

Anyway, I was unhappy with the Windowmaker entry because it ran with
both the dock and the clip enabled, but when I went to modify the
command entry ('wmaker' --> 'wmaker --no-dock --no-clip') I discover
that I cannot edit the entry. In fact, for all three of those entries
listed above, I cannot edit or delete them (most of the buttons and
fields are 'greyed out'). After a little mucking around I just decided
to add a second windowmaker entry that had the dock and clips disabled.
This seemed to work fine. If I switch to the new windowmaker entry after
I have already started Gnome, everything works splendidly. The trouble
is when I quit out of gnome(saving the session) and try to log back in:
no windowmanager starts even though the control panel claims my new
WindowMaker entry is active.

Anyone have any debugging suggestions?

Thanks - Jon

Jonathan L. Cromwell
CommQuest, An IBM Company
(760)633-1618 x234

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