help! - corrupted xkbcomp configuration file

While attempting to install a downloaded software package, I have managed to
corrupt a key X configuration file, such that I cannot start gnome or even
my X-server.

I have redhat linux 5.2, which is updated to use kernel 2.2.7, the newer
glibc, and a few other things.  All worked well after these upgrades; they
aren't my problem.

I have corrupted or deleted a file such that when the x-server tries to
start, these error messages are produced:
XKeyboard map compiler (xkbcomp) reports
Error: bad length in Geometry
Output file /var/tmp/xerver-).xkm removed
Couldn't load xkbmap keymap, falling back to pre-XKB keymap
then gnome discovers it can't recreate my user-specific .gnome directory,
and it gives up, sending me back to the command line.

Does anyone know what I have done, and what configuration files I should
examine to see if I can fix things?


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