Re: Gnocatan 0.22 released - .debs available

On Sun, May 09, 1999 at 02:43:12AM +1000, Dave Cole was heard to say:
> Ordinarily I would not release a new version so soon, but there are
> two important "features" in this release.
> * I noticed that the meta-server had not been working properly since
>   release 0.10.  This has been fixed.
> * I have produced a set of Debian binary packages for this release.
>   For all of you who are running Debian, it should be *really* easy to
>   try the game now.  All of the binary packages together are just over
>   half the size of the source (bizarre).
> Go to the download page to pick up the packages.  I am going to bed
> now.
> - Dave

  One more comment on the debs, it would probably be appropriate for the
gnocatan-client package to Suggest: the gnocatan-help package and to
Recommend: the gnocatan-server package.  (perhaps the server should also
Recommend: the client?)


  Believe in the Great God Om or be stricken with thunderbolts?
  Is that the way it always has to be?

             -- Terry Pratchett, _Small Gods_

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