Re: [RE: Launch FM from panel?] [Repost]

> Sorry, but that's not what I meant. I should have included this with the first
> post. I already have GMC running. That is, with the icons on the desktop. Now,
> I would like to open the file manager. Like when you double-click "Home
> directory." I'd like to do this directly from the Gnome panel instead of
> having to iconize everything to get to my desktop. Thanks anyway!
> Jeff

Gmc notices that it's already running and just puts up a window, so this
should work.

> "Madel, Kurt" <> wrote:
> > Sure and it is pretty simple.
> > *	Right click on the panel.
> > *	Select add new launcher.
> > *	A properties dialog should pop up
> > *	Type 'gmc' for command value
> > *	Choose an icon
> > *	Now save and you should be able to launch GMC from the panel

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