[Q] esd vs nas + another question


        I've (sort of) installed gnome for the first time on solaris 2.5[1].
No major problem, appart from real weird gtk+ messages on the console, like
assertion failures, or NULL window pointers or ... :-/ The only real problem I
had is with recent Imlib which crash my openwin server (I run it in TrueColor
24 by default when on a creator3d machine). I had to downgrade from 0.9.4.
0.9.1 seems to work fine.

        One question: is esd the only way to get sound in gnome? Does it
support other standardization attempts like NAS ? It seems that esd blindly
grabs the audio device forever. Is it possible that it releases it after some
idle time, in order to let gnome-unaware applications to still make sound
natively ?

        Another question: what applications are supposed to be `swallow-able'
in the panel ? I've tried to swallow an xeyes or xload process, out of
curoisity, but all it does is resizing it to 48x48, putting an empty room in
the panel, and displaying it as usual. Ah, anda ... the panel drops core from
time to time ;-)

        Thanks. Gnome is a nice project.

[1]  yes, they still /do/ ship this os :-)

    /     /   _   _       Didier Verna        http://www.inf.enst.fr/~verna/
 - / / - / / /_/ /      E.N.S.T. INF C201.1      mailto:verna@inf.enst.fr
/_/ / /_/ / /__ /        46 rue Barrault        Tel.   (33) 01 45 81 73 46
                      75634 Paris  cedex 13     Fax.   (33) 01 45 81 31 19

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