Re: Gnome troubles on FreeBSD (was: FreeBSD trials and tribulations...)

On Sat, 1 May 1999, Devin Butterfield wrote:

> Hey Josh (and everyone else),

> "gdk_imlib ERROR: Cannot load image:
> /usr/local/share/pixmaps/panal-arrow-left.png
> All fallbacks failed."

Anyone else feel free to correct or expound, but this is a gmodule
problem, not your libpng, right?

Do an %ldd panel and check to make sure it finds all the libs it needs
(also make sure that libpng IS NOT 1.0.2) just to be sure.  If it does, 
try running glib/gmodule/testgmodule to see if it works.  I think I might
have had to munge the gmodule stuff a bit to get it to work... I'll have
to check...

> Did you run across this problem, and or have any ideas of why it may be
> occurring?

yes, and see above.

``Set your laser-printers on stun''

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