Re: gmc & cursors

Robert Bihlmeyer wrote:

> Hi,
> >>>>> On Tue, 30 Mar 1999 08:10:49 -0700
> >>>>> Michael Dennis <> said:
>  Michael> Why did the implementors of the GNOME file manager choose
>  Michael> the explorer type model? I much prefer the two paned
>  Michael> approach that midnight commander has. I would at least like
>  Michael> to be able to configure the directory pane into another file
>  Michael> pane. Is this possible?
> You can drag the pane-delimiter all the way to the left, so that your
> directory-pane is not visible at all. Subsequent windows will inherit
> this setting. Then open another window. That's not exactly what you
> wanted, but it comes close.

Thanks for the suggestions, but I will probably just use the text version of
mc since it does what I want it to.  Personally I think having a directory
tree pane is a nice option but not essential.  Having two file panes to copy
between is however essential.  I don't even use Explorer on my windows
system for that reason.  I use a mc like file manager for windows.

It's just that with a name like gmc I was expecting something more along the
lines of mc instead of explorer.  I dunno maybe I'm the only one that
dislikes the explorer like model for file management?


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