Re: gnome compliant window managers

Kevin Fox wrote:

>The best solution (In my own opinion) is to have the window manger capplet
>check to see if a window manager is defined and if not prompt the user for
>his/her choice of default wm on startup.
>joe bob installs gnome.
>joe runs gnome for the first time
>he gets a nice pritty list of all window managers installed on his box so
>can choose which wm he likes
>it would be minor (I think) to reprogram the wm capplet to do this. most of
>the code is already there
Speaking largely from the notional 'joe bob''s perspective (i.e. gnew to
Gnome, and just getting the hang of Linux) ,  _anything_  which reduces the
slope of the seemingly vertical learning curve would be as water in the
desert.  I seem to be spending all my time either re-compiling or searching
the literature to find out why the last compile didn't.
This isn't meant to be a flame, more a wistful observation


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