Re: gnome compliant window managers

On Mon, 22 Mar 1999 18:06:17 Jan Gentsch wrote:

> Really, this points out one of the biggest bugs in gnome as is: The Help
> system is not being used, or it is often not used to provide real help
> (sorry, the help is so seldom mapped to something I can´t remember where
> I last found the later).

I basically agree with this.  The current user guide and help system is great
for people who want to go through a nice tutorial on the use of Gnome in one
great leap.  It would be vastly better for users, however, if there were strong
context help facilities within Gnome for dialogs and applications.  Something that stays
on top nearby and provides helpful assistance about the meaning of each field as
the user enters it would be of great use here.

I would greatly appreciate someone suggesting a brilliant way to do this, as it is
something that I would be interested in helping to write.  Any suggestions?

Jesse D. Sightler

"An honest answer can get you into a lot of trouble." 
         - Anonymous

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