Re: Headaches setting in

Hello, thanks for the reply!

>	If you are using more than one desktop (or just want to use E to
>set the background anyway) then you need to disable Gnome's background
>selection.  To do that, just click the "Diable background selection"
>box on the Control Center Background setter thingy. (That's a techical
>term, by the way, "thingy")   Once you do that, E will use it's
>own background settings.

Yes, I zeroed in on that one... the setting the "thingy" part.  :)  That
would explain why E showed its background, then the default blue of gnome
overrode it when starting up.

>	Most of that are things you don't need to worry about... usually chalked
>up to badly-behaved programs throwing errors when they get the kill
>instruction from the X server.

Alright, fair enough.  How do I know when to start worrying?  (Probably
after I have 5years experience with X under my belt, enough to know that
the equiv of "Bad command or filename" is harmless, right?) :-)  But it's
disconcerting to see all that spewage on the screen, with no meaningful
clue what to make of it.


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