Re: XYZ has been released

Vincent Harvey wrote:
> Look at the earlier post in the thread that I made. A spec that does work (for me at least).

I did look at your earlier post, but while that version built, it 
still didn't produce the RPMs.  After further investigation, I found
that the problem was that RPM_BUILD_ROOT variable being used was not
actually defined, so the build was just building onto the live system.

So even though the RPMs were missing, everything got installed.  I
added the line:

BuildRoot: /var/tmp/gnome-libs-%{PACKAGE_VERSION}-root

to the .spec file and it now builds the packages.  The modified .spec
file is attached, for those who were trying to build these RPMs.

============== ==================
Dean Elhard   \_____ _____/ I'm a telepath...
 (not speaking for) \ /      Work it out...
   Viasoft Inc.      \_____________________/  - Bester, Babylon 5
# Note that this is NOT a relocatable package
# I got this from rawhides gnome-libs-1.0.2 srpm, i just changes the version number.
%define name     gnome-libs
%define ver      1.0.3
%define rel      1
%define prefix   /usr

Name: %name
Summary: The libraries needed by the GNOME GUI desktop environment.
Version: %ver
Release: %rel
Copyright: LGPL
Group: System Environment/Libraries
BuildRoot: /var/tmp/gnome-libs-%{PACKAGE_VERSION}-root
Requires: gtk+ >= 1.2
Docdir: %{prefix}/doc

GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) is a user-friendly set of
applications and desktop tools to be used in conjunction with a window
manager for the X Window System.  GNOME is similar in purpose and scope
to CDE and KDE, but GNOME is based completely on Open Source software.
The gnome-libs package includes libraries that are needed by GNOME.

You should install the gnome-libs package if you would like to use the
GNOME desktop environment.  You'll also need to install the gnome-core
package.  If you would like to develop GNOME applications, you'll also
need to install gnome-libs-devel.

%package devel
Summary: Libraries and include files for developing GNOME applications.
Group: Development/Libraries
Requires: %name = %{PACKAGE_VERSION}
Obsoletes: %name

%description devel
GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) is a user-friendly set of
applications and desktop tools to be used in conjunction with a window
manager for the X Window System.  GNOME is similar in purpose and scope
to CDE and KDE, but GNOME is based completely on Open Source software. 
The gnome-libs-devel package includes the libraries and include files that
you will need to develop GNOME applications.  

You should install the gnome-libs-devel package if you would like to
develop GNOME applications.  You don't need to install gnome-libs-devel
if you just want to use the GNOME desktop environment.  If you are going
to develop GNOME applications and/or you're going to use the GNOME desktop
environment, you'll also need to install the gnome-core and gnome-libs

* Tue Mar 2  1999 Gregory McLean <>

- Added some hackage in for the brain dead libtool on the alpha
- Cleaned up the spec file abit to be more consistant.

* Wed Feb 17 1999 Elliot Lee <>

- Add debugging disabling flags to $CFLAGS

* Fri Nov 20 1998 Pablo Saratxaga <>

- use --localstatedir=/var/lib in config state (score files for games
  for exemple will go there).
- added several more files to %files section, in particular language
  files and corba IDLs

* Wed Sep 23 1998 Michael Fulbright <>

- Updated to version 0.30

* Mon Apr 13 1998 Marc Ewing <>
- Added %{prefix}/lib/gnome-libs

* Fri Mar 13 1998 Marc Ewing <>

- Integrate into gnome-libs source tree


%ifarch alpha
# Needed for snapshot releases.


if [ ! -f configure ]; then
  CFLAGS="$MYCFLAGS" ./ $MYARCH_FLAGS --prefix=%prefix --localstatedir=/var/lib
  CFLAGS="$MYCFLAGS" ./configure $MYARCH_FLAGS --prefix=%prefix --localstatedir=/var/lib

if [ "$SMP" != "" ]; then
  (make "MAKE=make -k -j $SMP"; exit 0)

mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix}
make prefix=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{prefix} install


if ! grep %{prefix}/lib /etc/ > /dev/null ; then
  echo "%{prefix}/lib" >> /etc/


%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig

%defattr(-, root, root)

%config %{prefix}/share/gtkrc*
%config %{prefix}/etc/*

%files devel
%defattr(-, root, root)

%doc devel-docs


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