Root Permissions

IS not in fact a GNOME problem but i see a related problem with the SUID on ppd and other, like permission on CDROM...
So, running GNOME with a non-root user is hard, and need certain adjustment...And running from ROOT is not safe, as all us known. I found some major problems:
- pppd: cannot call if not set SUID from non-root users
- CDROM: on RH 5.2 the device linked by /dev/cdrom is NON-readable from the world
- gmc: it cannot move everything, and a simple su -c gmc doesn't work because users cannot access root's X server...
- others that i don't remember...
Is not a problem of gnome, obviusly, but for a tell-me-all user these can be some non-simple problems...
What we can do? Someone have a tips?

Other thing...Playing with gnome-linuxconf i see, in the user management session, some options to give an user the SuperUser privileges...But it seems to not work...It can be a solution...Someone know why it does not work?

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