Re: minor newbie questions (6 of 'em though)

I'm a newbie myself but found a couple things that might be useful.

> 1) how to set key bindings for move & raise/lower?  I usually bind
> these to alt+rightmouse and alt+leftmouse respectively.

for me, middle clicking (l+r click together) over the root window brings
up the enlightenment window manager.  on that menu there is a "config"
option which brings up a nice gui for setting e behavior.  one of the
submenus allows for specifying some e keybindings.  
i haven't played with them much myself, i just know some are there.

> 3) How can I bring up the gnome foot menu on the root window instead
> of having to move my mouse all the way into the corner (that is rather
> painful at 1600x1200!).  This should just be a left click on the root
> window.

i've been trying to figure that too.  please post any solutions you get.

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