Re: Documentation / Installation

TFM will be on the web site, but is not finished yet.

If you are going from RPMs, see if you can find glib10 and gtk+10 RPMs
( would be useful for this), as they will prevent a lot of pain
later on.  Also make sure you got the RPMs in the noarch directory.  Now
put all the RPMs you want to install in one directory and type:
  rpm -Uvh *.rpm

You may get dependency errors here.  If you do, either uninstall those
packages or look for newer versions of them and place them in your RPM
directory.  Now try again.  If you still get dependency errors repeat
this.  If you get into a mess, post the dependency conflicts RPM gives to
the list and someone may be able to help you.

When you have finished installing it, edit your ~/.Xclients file so that
it contains the single line:
  exec gnome-session

If you did not download enlightenment, put a line in the Xclients file
above the gnome-session line for it.  For example:
  fvwm2 &

If you get wierd errors when starting GNOME programs such as not finding
the symbol __register_frame_info, you will need to change some things
round on your system.  Either compile those GNOME packages your self, or
get the glibc, and libstdc++ packages from the redhat rawhide
release and install these on your system.

James Henstridge.


On Fri, 12 Mar 1999, Wayne Pascoe wrote:

> Greets all.. This is a RTFM question... Where is TFM?.
> I've downloaded everything that I could find on the gnome mirror. I don't
> see any docs saying what to install or what order to install them in. 
> I've downloaded the RPMS and haven't a clue from here...
> **********************************************************************
> Wayne Pascoe     (  TEL: +27-11-888-1869
> Datrix Solutions                        FAX: +27-11-782-0704
> I'm not tense, just terribly, terribly alert.
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