RE: Mouse actions

On Fri, 5 Mar 1999, Fox, Kevin M wrote:
> I like the idea of key board stuff. Hmm... maby a combination of the 2
> ideas.
> left button does menu
> middle button is configurable
> right button is the context menu
> The middle button is configurable through a D&D menu with radio buttons for
> There also a menu or capplet for key excelerators 
>       ALT  SHIFT  CTL
> copy   X     0     0
> move   0     X     0
> link   0     0     X
> So if you hold down alt when middle draging it forces copy, if you hold down
> shift durring the drag it moves, or whatever you have configured.

I don't think this will work.  MkLinux, LinuxPPC and NetBSD/PPC users
usually have a mouse that has one physical button.  My understanding is
their X servers emulate the other buttons by using the very same keyboard
combonations you are suggesting.  GNOME using a scheme like this on
such machines would either break the X Server or break GNOME, neither is a
good thing.


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